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Conducting Research That Benefits Our Nation’s Veterans

Arizona Veterans Research and Education Foundation​

Formerly: Carl T. Hayden Medical Research Foundation

Mission Statement

To promote, support and facilitate meritorious biomedical and health services, research and education activities conducted by investigators at the Phoenix VA Health Care System that contribute to improved health care for Veterans and the Nation.

Our Goals

We pursue our mission by:


Identifying and facilitating relationships between VA research investigators and research funding sources.


Recruiting and maintaining a staff of skilled professionals who work alongside VA researchers.


Proactively and successfully building and managing our resources to benefit research and education.


Administering private and federal grants to support clinical research.


Supporting our researchers and clinicians by underwriting their education and research goals.

Explore Our Research

Types of Research

Our research spans human subject clinical, laboratory, and big data research in a variety of clinical areas.

Veterans’ Experiences